
Audrey Script Font Embroidery 654 Fonts – 6 sizes
Approximate height based on the uppercase A:
.75″, 1.2″, 1.6″, 2″, 2.3″, 3″
If you like to see the exact sizes of the letter Aa and Bb
check out the photo to the left. be sure to zoom in to get a better view.

Names and words can be created in a variety of ways the possibility are endless

All fonts are done in a satin fill except #6 font which is done in a fill stitch.

This set includes
6-Uppercase Font A-Z
6-Lowercase font a-z
6-End Top Swash font a-z
6-numbers 0-9
6-Bonus letters abdghiklmnrtuy
6-lowercase letter tt
6-lowercase letter short t

If you like to see how to merge the free software you can check out my video https://youtu.be/C86Afn2yzK8

Audrey Script Font Embroidery
Audrey Script Font Embroidery